Practicing Mindfulness

Why we make the same mistakes

Why we make the same mistakes

I was on the phone with a business contact discussing a project.

He apologized for being slightly late for the call and told me it was because he'd just cut himself with a kitchen knife that morning - and not only that, he'd actually cut himself twice, in the space of a week - on the same finger. He said he felt tired, like he was rushing around on autopilot.

He acknowledged how much time and energy he seemed to be wasting on simple tasks like chopping vegetables - all because he was tired, distracted and rushing. He could see it was taking longer to get things done, because he was rushing through his day.

So how does mindfulness help?

Ice cream, Netflix and Mindfulness

Ice cream, Netflix and Mindfulness

When life tests you, I’ll bet the very first thing you do is find a quiet room and meditate, right?

Your cat just knocked over a vase with flowers, the laundry’s stacked up waiting to be folded, you’ve got an angry colleague you have to deal with, you’re going through a family crisis and amidst all of this, you reach for a meditation cushion. 

Wait, that’s not the first thing you think of doing?! 

I’ll let you into a little secret. It’s not the first thing I think of doing either.

The Antidote To Worry

The Antidote To Worry

I used to worry about stuff happening in my life and my work for days and weeks. Actually the truth be known, it could sometimes be months of ruminating, stewing and worrying. Worrying’s not all bad. It can be helpful to motivate us to take a positive action, but excessive worry is debilitating.

There are some simple things we can do to work with our worries, emotions and thoughts and lessen their impact. Would it surprise you to learn that we don’t have to change anything at all or fix anything in our selves?

The Question To Ask Above All Others

The Question To Ask Above All Others

As I was making my daily matcha today, I thought about a speaking opportunity I'd applied for a few months ago. I'd submitted proposals a few times to speak to this particular conference and I had all but written them off because the deadline to announce speakers had once again passed. 

I sensed negative thoughts and began to feel angry and frustrated. I was thinking how many great speakers go unnoticed and getting madder by the minute. I began wondering why I didn't get selected. I started questioning whether I'm good enough, self-doubt began creeping in and I firmly decided I wouldn't re-apply a third time.

As I walked over to my desk I noticed a new email in my in-box from none other than the conference I was just stewing over...

How To Make Each Moment Count This Holiday

How To Make Each Moment Count This Holiday

“Maybe Christmas,” thought the grinch, “doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.”

I love watching How The Grinch Stole Christmas each year especially when the Grinch’s small heart grows three sizes and he finds the strength of “ten Grinches, plus two.” 

I think the Grinch was on to something.

I think Christmas is more about being present with each other & not just giving presents. 

It’s about telling people how you feel. 

And forgiving each other. 

It’s about giving back and helping those in need.

The challenge of course, for many of us, is stress comes knocking on our door a little more frequently at Christmas...

21 ways to bring mindful self-care to your day

21 ways to bring mindful self-care to your day

One of the things which often surprises people about mindfulness is how simple it is to bring it into your day. For those who don't feel like sitting and doing a formal meditation practice, there are many options and possibilities to try.

One of the most common benefits of practicing mindfulness is the decrease in stress and burnout and increase in resilience, focus and work-life happiness. And yes, the more you practice, the greater the benefits, but if you're just looking for a place to start there's some very simple things you can do, which don't require any extra time. 

Enjoy these twenty-one simple ways to bring mindfulness to your workday...

Mindfulness: No longer for hippies, now for CEOs

Mindfulness: No longer for hippies, now for CEOs

If you’d walked into a corporation 10 years ago to discuss the benefits of mindfulness and meditation for cultural effectiveness, leadership and the bottom line, it’s quite possible security would have discreetly ushered you out of the building. How would you have reacted if you saw your boss or colleague sitting at their desk with their eyes closed apparently doing nothing? Let’s be honest, you’d probably be at least a little skeptical and thinking your colleague’s either out to lunch, or playing hooky and avoiding work.  Fast forward to 2017 and you’ll discover a different reality....