Self Awareness

Finding A Way Through

Finding A Way Through

I’ve been working with my son recently, gently showing him there is a link between our mind and body. Sometimes our thoughts can lead to feelings and physical sensations in our body. Which in turn can lead to actions, like not wanting to go to school.

As a parent, it can be hard to see clearly and not let our own emotions and worries dictate what we do. Having the ability to observe my own thoughts and feelings as I work with my son’s thoughts and feelings is a delicate balancing act that allows us both to find a way through our challenges.

We call this the mind-body connection…

The Question To Ask Above All Others

The Question To Ask Above All Others

As I was making my daily matcha today, I thought about a speaking opportunity I'd applied for a few months ago. I'd submitted proposals a few times to speak to this particular conference and I had all but written them off because the deadline to announce speakers had once again passed. 

I sensed negative thoughts and began to feel angry and frustrated. I was thinking how many great speakers go unnoticed and getting madder by the minute. I began wondering why I didn't get selected. I started questioning whether I'm good enough, self-doubt began creeping in and I firmly decided I wouldn't re-apply a third time.

As I walked over to my desk I noticed a new email in my in-box from none other than the conference I was just stewing over...