Stress Reduction

Why The Time To Slow Down Is When You Don't Have Time

Why The Time To Slow Down Is When You Don't Have Time

When was the last time you kicked back, did absolutely nothing and investigated what it feels like to be bored? 

I'm guessing you might be challenged to pinpoint the time.

Avoiding boredom, staying busy, working longer hours, not taking care of yourself and celebrating that you can function on less sleep, won't help you achieve your goals faster.

Living our lives in this way, won't serve us, or others well. And in the long run it's likely going to cause illness and burnout.

Why then, do so many of us get stuck on this hamster wheel that keeps going faster and faster and doesn't stop unless we choose to stop it - or worse - when we're forced to? 

3 powerful ways to quiet your worried mind

3 powerful ways to quiet your worried mind

Constant worrying takes a heavy toll.

It can keep us up at night and make us edgy during the day. We agonize about matters that often never occur. So why is it so difficult to stop worrying?

Worrying is a built-in feature of our brain's safety processing. It's part of our fight or flight response system which is never turned off. It puts us into a state of heightened awareness so we're prepared for...