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The expectation trap

The expectation trap

I'm going to write about a small change in mindset that could have a major impact on your life.

It's to do with letting go of expectations.

I fully appreciate this may seem like a strange idea.

We all have expectations. Expectations of how we want others to be. Expectations of who we think we should be. Expectations of what we want to achieve. Expectations of what we want for our children, family, friends. We expect things about our bodies, our jobs, our lives...

When do people really start to live?

When do people really start to live?

It was an ordinary day. I was at work. My phone rang.  

When I looked at the screen it said it was my doctor. I answered it and she asked, "Where are you?"  I said I was at work. "Can you find somewhere private to go... right now?" I found a small room and shut the door. "I don't know how to tell you this... but you have a rare, aggressive and advanced cancer." 

In so few words, everything changed...