
When do people really start to live?

When do people really start to live?

It was an ordinary day. I was at work. My phone rang.  

When I looked at the screen it said it was my doctor. I answered it and she asked, "Where are you?"  I said I was at work. "Can you find somewhere private to go... right now?" I found a small room and shut the door. "I don't know how to tell you this... but you have a rare, aggressive and advanced cancer." 

In so few words, everything changed...

3 ways to reinvent work-life balance

3 ways to reinvent work-life balance

I struggled to find work-life balance, both as a single person and a married mum with young kids. I worked hard, didn't look after myself particularly well, got too few hours sleep, didn't spend enough time with my family and spent a lot of money on things I didn't need. Oh and I also happened to eat 3-4 tubs of Haagen-Dazs every week.

I became vaguely aware over the years, of a slight nagging...