
50 ways to simplify life

50 ways to simplify life

One of the smartest things we ever did was begin to simplify our lives.

About four years ago, my husband and I sold a large home, removing one of our biggest financial burdens and downsized our family of four. For a time, Kijiji became our best friend and we sold or donated 60% of our possessions. We stopped buying 'stuff' we didn't need. 

What we've discovered is having less material things has created more space and energy in our lives to attend to each other and focus on the things that matter to us...

10 startling realizations I had before 40

10 startling realizations I had before 40

Do you ever wonder what it would be like to own way fewer things? 

Imagine for a moment what that might mean to you... maybe fewer clothes, fewer games and magazines, fewer devices and chargers, less beauty products, fewer batteries and light bulbs... maybe it would be a smaller home or fewer cars, or maybe no car? I could go on, but you get the point.  

A few years ago, my husband and I came to a startling realization...

I don't have time

I don't have time

I think time is an illusion.

The more we fill our lives with time-saving devices the more rushed we are. While the possibilities of information technology are potentially endless, they also put us under more pressure than ever to get more done, in less time. 

At some points we may feel there is never enough time to do what we need to do and time passes too quickly.  At other times...